Over the past 18 years of LACPC more than 310 different trainees (from Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Uruguay, Mexico, Venezuela, Bolivia, Cuba, and others) and 72 faculty invitees (from Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Mexico, USA, France, Italy, Costa Rica, Colombia, Turkish, Singapore, Spain, UK, and Australia) have attended the course.
The aim of the course is to have in each of the three regions (Europe, Latin-America, and Asia-Pacific) the same series of lectures and workshops, conducted in the same language, with the same organizational frame.
Through the promotion of the course worldwide, we hope to build a common spirit among neurosurgeons with pediatric interests, fostering the development of confidence, collaboration, and progress.
The LACPN is unique and different course. The course has ratings of over 80% in scientific programming, enabling an immersion in pediatric neurosurgery.
The 2nd part 5th Cycle will begin in in Rio de Janeiro (Brasil). Be part of LACPN!
Leyzeane Marques do Nascimento
Werllen Maia